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Class of 2017 guard Grace Wardeberg of Signal Mountain, Tenn., has grown her game since playing in front of the BrandonClayScouting.com staff at the Elite Basketball Academy Fab Five Camp in September 2014. A highly skilled prospect, Wardeberg is ready to improve again at the Elite Basketball Academy Super 64 Camp in June 2016. Director of Domestic Scouting, Jonathan Hemingway, says that “Wardeberg is a solid guard option who proved that she could play the point or shooting guard position. She was particularly good at distributing the ball and finding open teammates. She showed a soft touch at the free throw line as well too.”
By: @BrandonClayPSB
Brandon Clay’s takeaway – EBATop40 Camp (March 2016): Wardeberg of Signal Mountain, Tenn., has shown growth over the past year. The class of 2017 guard has the skill set to handle the basketball, make the open shot or attack off of the dribble. Wardeberg is at her best when her confidence level is high and plays without reservation. She’s a high academic prospect and has multiple options from high-end schools.
Name: Grace Wardeberg
Height: 5’7″
HS Grad Year: 2017
Position: PG/SG
GPA / ACT: 3.8 / 32
School / Hometown: Baylor School (Signal Mountain, Tenn.)
Club Team: Tennessee Fury
College Choice: Washington Univ. in St Louis
BrandonClayScouting.com Video Evaluation: July 2016
Social Media Updates:
BREAKING#SMPMember Exposure Program
’17 G Grace Wardeberg (TN) chose Washington Univ. in St. Louis.
HER PAGE: https://t.co/amiOweZDe6 pic.twitter.com/xCrzrPaqqU
— Brandon Clay (@BrandonClayPSB) March 16, 2017
#SMPMember Exposure Program
’17 Grace Wardeberg (TN) has a spot at Washington U. St Louis pending admission.
PAGE: https://t.co/amiOweZDe6 pic.twitter.com/6MLUDSkEkF
— Brandon Clay (@BrandonClayPSB) February 1, 2017
#PSBEndOfTheRoad:#SMPMember: ’17 Grace Wardeberg playing very well for @tnfury today
Her page w/ Video Eval:https://t.co/PL5ydatmIG
— Kris Watkins (@KrisWatkinsPSB) September 25, 2016
2017 Grace Wardeberg has an updated eval on Prospects Nation. @gkwardeberg
READ:https://t.co/8MXrbNWtw8 pic.twitter.com/rro6diMC02
— #SMPMember Program (@SMPMemberPSB) September 17, 2016
’17 Grace Wardeberg: high performer on the court & in the classroom
PAGE:https://t.co/KLjq9XePs2 pic.twitter.com/ihoXiVTthM
— Rebecca Dyer (@RebeccaDyerPSB) September 15, 2016
Due to high GPA standing, Grace Wardeberg gets interest from Wash U & more
PAGE:https://t.co/amiOweZDe6 pic.twitter.com/dvetCnT1yb
— Brandon Clay (@BrandonClayPSB) September 10, 2016
Grace Wardeberg is ready to shine at #EBAAllAmerican after a big summer.
PAGE: https://t.co/amiOweZDe6 pic.twitter.com/QndeXRsP9i
— Brandon Clay (@BrandonClayPSB) August 30, 2016
Sept. 3-4
After visiting Emory, ’17 G Grace Wardeberg is in.#SMPMember: https://t.co/amiOweI1Pw pic.twitter.com/9GhmSDROt2
— Brandon Clay (@BrandonClayPSB) August 10, 2016
Check out the new video eval for ’17 Grace Wardeberg (TN) @gkwardeberg
LINK:https://t.co/KLjq9XePs2 pic.twitter.com/DCM1jbfq5t
— Rebecca Dyer (@RebeccaDyerPSB) August 5, 2016
Grace Wardeberg is a high IQ ’17 G. #EBASuper64 eval is up.
PAGE: https://t.co/amiOweI1Pw @gkwardeberg pic.twitter.com/XSyWanTYVs
— Brandon Clay (@BrandonClayPSB) June 13, 2016
#EBASuper64#SMPMember ’17 Grace Wardeberg @gkwardeberg shooting it well this am
Her pagehttps://t.co/PL5ydatmIG pic.twitter.com/d5Y9UqEkzF
— Kris Watkins (@KrisWatkinsPSB) June 4, 2016
’17 G Grace Wardeberg (TN) has a 3.8 GPA & 26 ACT.
HER PAGE: https://t.co/amiOweI1Pw @gkwardeberg pic.twitter.com/oE2CSHHfWe
— Brandon Clay (@BrandonClayPSB) May 2, 2016
Welcome Grace Wardeberg (TN-17) to #CoachHemiShowcase. Train w/ @WeWorkHoops & @CoachParmley http://t.co/PveGXjp612 pic.twitter.com/CN1vBlALjc
— Jonathan Hemingway (@CoachHemi) February 6, 2015
Grace Wardeberg (TN-17) showed plenty of promise at the #EBAFab5Camp. Her team #TeamPN eval http://t.co/GhgWlnbH2c pic.twitter.com/bt9YSs0Rk5
— Jonathan Hemingway (@JLHemingwayPSB) October 30, 2014
Brandon Clay is the owner of the JumpOffPlus.com International Report, Peach State Basketball, Inc., and ProspectsNation.com. The JumpOffPlus.com is picked up by more than 200 colleges and universities nationwide. In addition to serving as ProspectsNation.com WNBA Director of Scouting, Clay serves as the Executive Camp Director for the Elite Basketball Academy Camps. He is a McDonald’s All-American Game Selection Committee member. Clay serves on the Naismith Trophy Men’s / Women’s College Player of the Year Academy and is the National Coordinator of Voting for the Boys / Girls All-American Teams. He has been involved in the community since 2001. You can reach Clay at BrandonClay@PeachStateBasketball.com