Nassir Little visits Georgia Tech – August 28, 2017

Class of 2018 prospect Nassir Little of Fla., made arguably the largest splash of any player in the class who didn’t start the summer as a consensus Top 10 ranked player.

Little visited Georgia Tech officially over the weekend. He’s a potential two-game All-American with a chance to be in the Naismith Trophy All-American team discussion as well.

By: @BrandonClayPSB

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Little’s Highlights from Home Team Hoops:

Little’s Social Media Timeline

Brandon Clay is the owner of Peach State Basketball, Inc., and He serves as the Executive Camp Director for the Elite Basketball Academy Camps. Clay is a McDonald’s All-American Game Selection Committee member. He also votes on the Naismith Trophy Men’s / Women’s College Player of the Year Academy and is the HS Boys / Girls All-American Team Board of Selectors Chairperson. He has been involved in the community since 2001. You can reach Clay at