There are three direct pathways to getting an evaluation from Brandon Clay:
1) Brandon Clay Film Room x Direct Evaluation
Normally a player will have to attend a showcase presented by Brandon Clay in order to get their information published. With Brandon Clay x Evaluation Direct, a player can avoid the wait and get a player card immediately. Once this card is created, look for your card to be posted on social media where our network has over 200,000 followers nationwide.
Our staff will watch your online highlight reel of 2:30 to 5:00 minutes and produce an evaluation that is available to college coaches nationwide at the click of a link.
To sign up for a Brandon Clay Evaluation use this link for the “ProspectsNation.com Player Eval via Brandon Clay” and all Brandon Clay showcases: https://recruitifyhoops.com/#/upcomingIndividualEvents/61
You can have your profile updated annually onsite at a camp series event or via Brandon Clay Direct.
149.99 (new membership or updated card via Film)
You can email Brandon Clay directly as well: brandonclay@peachstatebasketball.com

2) Brandon Clay Consulting & Recruiting Program
I offer a Recruiting Program that assists prospects nationwide with creating brand awareness on our various media (digital and social) platforms and documentation on their progress, visits. You can read more on what the program entails as well as view our current clients and program alums here:
https://peachstatebasketball.com/brandon-clay-college-recruiting-program/ (CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ON THE PROGRAM)
ProspectsNation.com via Brandon Clay is now offering a effective and efficient way for players to get on to the radar in the grassroots game of women’s basketball. Our Direct Evaluation Package will allow a player to get a Player Card, Evaluation and pertinent information on to the ProspectsNation.com website all from the desk of Brandon Clay. This is an important step for players who want to gain the attention of college coaches as the Player Card will be publicly visible to any college coach in America.

3) Brandon Clay Showcases x Onsite Evaluation
I encourage prospects to attend a showcase presented by the Brandon Clay Scouting in order to get first hand, real time feedback in addition to getting their information published. With Brandon Clay Showcases, a player gets feedback from an industry veteran and gets a player card. After the event is complete, look for your card to be posted on social media where our network has over 200,000 followers nationwide.
Our staff will produce a crisp, detailed evaluation that is available to college coaches nationwide at the click of a link.
To sign up for a Brandon Clay Evaluation use this link and sign up for all Brandon Clay showcases: https://recruitifyhoops.com/#/upcomingIndividualEvents/61