JumpOffPlus.com Report: JUCO Roundup – Week of December 9, 2013

JUCO recruiting analysts Christian Simmons (left) and Brandon Clay team up to bring readers the latest. *Photo by Ty Freeman

JUCO excellent essay writing recruiting analysts Christian Simmons (left) and Brandon Clay team up to bring readers the latest.
*Photo by Ty Freeman

Editor’s Note: “JUCO Roundup” is designed to provide our readers with an in-depth weekly look at the recent happenings in the recruiting landscape of junior college basketball.

By: @BrandonClayPSB & @WeWorkHoops

Joymesia Howard: Central Arizona College

Howard of East St. Louis, Ill., is one of the country’s top sophomore prospects at the forward position. Originally a class of 2012 high school member, Howard listed Missouri and Ohio amongst the four-year schools that showed interest before going the two-year route. Christian Simmons had a chance to watch her live at the Midland (Texas) WNIT in November.
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Here is Simmons’ JumpOffPlus.com JUCO Database evaluation:

Howard is very fluid and light on her feet. At 6-foot-2, Howard has a very long wingspan that makes her seem more like 6-5. She has very good hands showing that she can catch tough passes and shows toughness. She plays within herself and does not force the issue. Howard is an above average shot blocker does a good job of seeking shot blocking opportunities using good timing and shows the ability not to bite on fakes and get into foul trouble. She is a great rebounder and has a good “nose for the ball.” With her size, Howard gets herself many opportunities for put backs and tip ins. She has soft hands and potential to online thesis writing service improve her scoring, displaying a solid touch around the rim.

Jessica Morton: Gulf Coast College (FL)

Morton of Augusta, Ga., was a highly recruited perimeter threat coming out of Glenn Hills High before going to Gulf Coast. As a sophomore, the 5-10 shooting guard has seen her recruitment pickup right where it left off as a prep. Brandon Clay was on hand for Morton’s game against Chattanooga State the day after Thanksgiving. He wasn’t alone as South Carolina coach Dawn Staley was also in the building checking on Morton.

Here is Clay’s JumpOffPlus.com JUCO Database evaluation:

Morton has a slender build but can flat out fill it up. She even played some on the ball in spurts executive summary for research paper here. It’s not a stretch to envision her doing the same thing at a major college or university for the next two years. A right-handed shooter, Morton made shots from beyond the 3-point line off of the catch and the dribble. Her range extends well beyond the arc which is a rarity for the majority of junior college guards that we’ve seen this season. The four-star prospect also showed that she is more than capable of attacking the rim to finish the ball in traffic as well. She’s a surefire top 75 program caliber recruit.

Junior College Prospect Exposure Options

***For junior college prospects seeking NCAA-certified exposure opportunities in front of four-year schools, scroll over EBA Events online resume writing service jobs on the top header and research our:
JUCO All-American Camp (July)
JUCO National Fall Showcase (Sept./Oct.)
JUCO National Spring Showcase (April)

Brandon Clay Brandon Clay is the owner of the JumpOffPlus.com International Report, Peach State Basketball, Inc., and ProspectsNation.com. The JumpOffPlus.com is picked up by more than 200 colleges and universities nationwide. He serves as the Executive Camp Director for the Elite Basketball Academy Camps. Clay has been involved in the community since 2001. You can reach him at BrandonClay@PeachStateBasketball.com

Chris Simmons Christian Simmons is a skill development specialist for the Elite Basketball Academy series as well as a contributor to our #JUCORoundup articles on the website. He has been a part of the community since 2011 after playing professionally overseas.