A Day in the Life of EBA All-American Taya Reimer

Taya Reimer is considered the nation's top power forward and a consensus top five player overall.

A Day in the Life of Taya Reimer

Fresh off of a summer spent with the USA Basketball 16-and-under National Team as well as on the USA 18-and-under 3-on-3 team, Taya Reimer from Fishers, Ind. is back on the floor for her junior season. The nation’s top power forward in the class of 2013, Reimer is known for her versatility on the floor. She’s been offered scholarships by some of the nation’s top programs and has the skill to back up the accolades. Reimer walks us through her day as her Hamilton Southeastern High teams gets ready for a huge contest versus Brownsburg (they feature fellow USA 16U team member Stephanie Mavunga).

*As told to Brandon Clay

Sidebar: Here’s a clip of Reimer courtesy of LB Insider – www.youtube.com/watch

6:00 A.M. – My alarm goes off, which I never get up to! Hit the snooze button, and ACTUALLY get up at 6:30. (Ed: I know that feeling all too well!)

7:00 A.M. – Finish getting ready while I watch the Today Show, my morning ritual (Ed: Would be mine too if I were up that early)

7:15 A.M. – Get a few slices writing dissertation service of cinnamon toast and some bacon and I’m out the door. My mom takes me to school everyday… my chauffeur. Of course, she gives me the big “Game Day Pep Talk”.

7:40 A.M. – School is starting… First class of the day – HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS. Haha we’re working on the process of food digestion.

9:40 A.M. – It’s 3rd period now, and I’m in AP U.S. History with one of my teammates Pongo… Mrs. Chandler, my teacher, does one of her famous “high kicks” for good luck in our game! (Ed: Reimer commonly refers to this class as APush, always takes me a second to register)

12:00 noon – IT’S LUNCH TIME! Wednesdays are Big Daddy’s Pizza days, my favorite lunch. I get one slice of pepperoni, a bag of pretzels, apple juice, and a few waters… gotta stay hydrated. (Ed: Try G2 pre/during/post game, Dwight Howard says through his endorsement that it works – worth a shot)

2:05 P.M. – Last period of the day! I’m in my favorite class, AP Environmental Science. Of course, Mr. Guenin tries to pump me up for the big game, he’s so into sports! We watch a video clip and take some notes.

2:55 P.M. – The bell finally rings… I grab some homework from my locker, online essay writing help then head to the locker room. (Ed: Been out of school almost ten years but no feeling matches that last bell ringing each day – unless you have detention)

3:20 P.M. – Pre-game meal time. We had Mac & Cheese – my favorite food – and chicken sandwiches from McAlister’s! Of course I had to have some extra Mac…

3:45 P.M. – The bus is about to leave for Brownsburg. I’ve got my beats on and my iPod on full blast. I have a new found obsession with the song “Blue Sky” by Common, so that’s the first song I listen to. (Ed: Ironically, Common is an artist who does some of the voiceovers on the aforementioned G2 commercials)

4:30 P.M. – We get to Brownsburg and it’s time to put our shoes on and shoot around. I’m always singing some random songs while we shoot, so today I’m taking requests from the team. I’m pretty sure that my voice needs a little work.

6:00 P.M. – The JV game starts. Again, I’ve got my Beats (Ed: Beats by Dre are the headphones of choice for a lot of players) on listening to my iPod. My go to playlist before games is ALWAYS J. Cole (#ColeWorld). And of course I throw in some Drake writing college papers double spaced and Mindless Behavior (Ed: Have to plug Cole’s new CD, Sideline Story. It’s so good that I gave mine away…but I’m buying another copy!)

7:00 P.M. – We’re all waiting to go over the scouting report before warm-ups, so of course, we have a PHOTO SHOOT! Haha our team is so goofy. (Ed: So this is how the pictures that wind up on my Facebook news feed burying the important news are taken!!!)

7:10 P.M. – We’re warming up and everyone is so hype for the game. At this point, the goofiness has completely gone away. We’re all business.

7:30 P.M. – What time is it? GAME TIME! We have so much to prove and we’re ready!

9:30 P.M. – The game is over and…. We won! I’m so proud of our team! Final Score: 67 – 47. I had 18 pts, 12 rebounds, 5 blocks, 5 assists, and a charge! – I was so proud of that. Now I gotta catch up with all of my friends that were there and get my mom’s words of wisdom on how the game went…fast forward to 9:36 P.M.: She was happy with it. (Ed: My mother once said, “If mama isn’t happy, no one is!”)

9:45 P.M. – We’re eating Subway sandwiches and chips on the bus ride narrative essay writing introduction home. I listen to some music with my bestie and teammate Bri, and of course, we’re singing so the whole bus can hear us. (Ed: Five, five, five, five dollar footlong)

10:30 P.M. – We finally get back to HS-Easy (Ed: Reimer name for her school). Coach gives us a brief post game talk and tells us we have the day off tomorrow! #winning

10:45 P.M. – I finally get home… My mom and aunt give me their opinions of the game and we catch up on what all has happened that day, which we always do every night.

11:00 P.M. – Sadly, I still have homework. -__- #losing (Ed: the opposite of Charlie Sheen’s #winning) but all I can think about is that game!

11:30 P.M. – bedtime!

Brandon Clay is the publisher of the JumpOffPlus.com and the owner of Peach State Basketball, Inc. The service is picked up by more than 150 colleges and universities nationwide. He serves as the Executive Camp Director for the EBA All-American, Fab Five and Super 64 Camps. In addition, he serves as a national recruiting analyst for ESPNHoopgurlz and a contributor to SLAM Magazine. Clay has been involved in the community since 2001 as an evaluator, event operator and trainer. You can reach him at bclay@peachstatehoops.com or follow him on Twitter @peachstatehoops